Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Are You Truly Ready?

Never in the history of America have people so overwhelming chosen to eliminate their own freedoms. I hope the majority of voters are prepared.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Compromising Position and the LA Times

It is no secret the L.A. Times is holding back a damning video tape of Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi. We will continue on the premise that this allegation is factual. The L.A. Times never tried to hide the fact they have such a video. In fact, I'm sure their circulation has skyrocketed since this story broke. The question that begs an answer is - 'Why is the L.A. Times holding this tape?'

The easy answer is to show support for their man. Yes, this is election season and the left coast has never been shy about its political leanings, but I'm not ignorant enough to believe the L.A. Times is holding this tape back because they all believe in Obama's message. However, if you look at the L.A. Times ownership, it is not as left coast as one might believe.

Skeletons in the closet have always been a focus during elections. However, the evidence being held at the L.A. Times may prove to be the most beneficial piece of news the Republican party could ever hope for days before an election. Obama can no longer be trusted to represent the people. Whomever is holding that video will have the ability to manipulate his actions in office for the next four years should the unthinkable actually happen.

If I were sitting in the Obama spin room, I would be begging the L.A. Times to release this video. I'm disappointed not one person in the McCain camp managed to bring up the reality that failing to produce this tape puts Obama in the most compromising position any presidential hopeful has ever been in.

If the Chinese governemnet owned a controlling stake in the L.A. Times, would you think any differently? Please think with that mass God put between your ears when you vote next Tuesday.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama was never paid by ACORN? -- FRIGHTENING!

Sen. Obama has very carefully repudiated all claims of impropriety in his dealings with, for, or on behalf of ACORN. I don't think there is one person in America that believes Obama had the limited dealings with ACORN he is now claiming. However, the man does have some masterful spinsters in the bowels of his campaign organization. There is one piece of information I've found particularly disturbing.

Let me put this in perspective before I let the cat out of the bag.

I've done a lot of reading and learning about what makes a person want to sell secrets or become a traitor to his or her country. This has always fascinated me. What can I say, I have some strange hobbies. And, NO, I'm not doing this to figure out the perfect crime. We live in the greatest country on earth -- bar NONE. Anyhow, from what I've learned in the art of espionage and growing a traitor, cash is king. There isn't much money can't buy. However, there is that rare occasion an individual actually believes in 'the cause' and doesn't want any cash or compensation for his or her traitorous activities. Those traitors are the most lethal, calculating, and more oftentimes than not, successful in their activities.

Now back to our story. We are witnessing the affirmation that Barack Obama was never paid for his ACORN activities. Sure, go ahead and correct me that he worked with 'Project Vote'. I will consider these two organizations one and the same for purposes of this writing. I'm going to make the leap that Obama was so committed to 'the cause' that he never asked for a penny in return for his contributions. There you have it? Or do you?

Really, I can't fault a man for engaging in activities to generate interest in the political system in the United States. I would, under normal circumstances, applaud those efforts. However, the circumstances we are facing are far from normal. ACORN is being investigated and will most definitely be charged with federal crimes for unspeakable activities that put at risk this great country's ability to conduct free and fair elections.

Let's again consider Obama's commitment to the cause. Is this really 'Patriotism' at its finest? In my eyes, a great patriot can come in many forms, however, I've never seen a self-proclaimed patriot engaged in voter registration fraud. Let us not forget, the commitment to this fraud was at such a high level, the activist Obama was never paid a penny for his actions. What a patriot. Maybe someone will write 15 pages about him and shove it down all the malleable eighth graders in Wisconsin.

America, WAKE UP! Before you cast your ballot, become very familiar with what this man truly believes in. Yes, I know he has a very catchy message for 'CHANGE', but look at his past activities and look at his past associations. I encourage you to travel to your local ACORN office and witness firsthand the 'commitment' to the cause emanating from that building. Just make sure when you visit you wear either an Obama t-shirt or body armour.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Market Smackdown!

Markets continued to take a beating this week with no end in sight. I watched the markets drop literally as President Bush or Emperor Bernacke spoke to the public. I would love our leaders to take a 24-48 hours wait and see approach and stop being so reactionary. Several events are happening this weekend. See this from the very capable folks at When all these cells converge, we might end up with the equivalent of an F-5 tornado. Tuesday will be a very interesting day from Main St. to Wall St.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sexism by the Left? Nah.

I'm stricken with disbelief as I listen to David Letterman comment in his monologue how badly he would like to see Sarah Palin naked. David Letterman, late night comedian (let's use that word very loosely). These are apparently jokes, so there is no accountability or contempt for the jokester as this is purely late night comedy.

Have we made no progress in the last 30 years in how women are treated in this country? I'm no fool -- sex sells. However, when did the left in this country decide that a woman could not be attractive and successful while in the spotlight? The left would like Gov. Palin to feel ashamed of how she looks. There is also a campaign underway to condition the American populace into believing that pretty women can't possibly handle themselves in positions of power.

People, get a grip! Think long and hard about why there is such a concerted effort to smear Gov. Palin and the McCain campaign on good looks. . .

Well? Did you come up with anything? OK, I'll give it to you. They attack her looks because they can't find anything else!? She's qualified, competent, capable, and yes -- she is attractive.

The hypocrisy is alive and well when we watch how such an important 'movement' for women's rights can be completely abandoned and it's course reversed when the affected personality happens to be a Republican. Shame on you!

Monday, September 29, 2008

How did we get here?

Take 10 minutes from your day and view this .

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ladies and Gentleman,

The U-Dub, 'People's Republic of Madison', and Kathleen 'Falk Lied - People Died' are outraged that a campus Walgreen's would have the audacity to sell ping pong balls and plastic cups to the student population. I am so thrilled our city and campus leaders have so much time on their hands to focus on a perceived abuse of alcohol rather than concentrating their efforts on the many unsolved murders and stabbings also occurring in the campus area.

Where should our focus be? Which poses a greater threat? 1.)Some student stumbling on the curb wobbling back to their dorm? or 2.) An innocent victim of rape or murder? Gee, let me think... First, let's compare how many students make a conscious choice to drink alcohol and compare that to how many students make a conscious choice to be murdered or raped. Would you believe several thousand to ZERO is a viable answer? Again, how many ping pong balls have directly resulted in the death of a student? I may have missed some obscure news story, but I'll guess that is a big goose egg.

Walgreen's is the pharmacy under attack and they have the most amazing business model I've ever seen. Walgreen's, please draw your line in the sand. If you cave to the pressure of the campus, I will put your awesome company in the same category as the spineless masses of retail corporate America too afraid to do what needs to be done. Instead, I encourage you to not only continue your ping pong ball sales, but sell them with caricatures of Kathleen Falk and Lori whatever the dean of students' name is. Put them on a massive rack outside the store, advertise them, make more money and increase profits for your shareholders. If there is one thing students are, it is resourceful. Should ping pong balls be banned, there's another silly gimmick waiting in the wings to be discovered and I guarantee Walgreen's will be the first to stock them for the hungry students. Capitalism -- I love it.

This is not an endorsement for binge drinking, but it is a slap in the face with reality. Not only do our youth receive an outstanding education (outstanding is a word that should be used loosely, but I'll save that for another post), they also learn how to behave as mature young adults. Part of that process, more often than not, involves learning about alcohol and how much they can or can not handle. Madison, Dane County, don't sweat the small stuff. There are bigger fish to fry.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pakistani Competence (or is it...?)

Just a thought on the recent cross-border incursion into Pakistani territory met with a barrage of gunfire from Pakistani troops. It is no secret Pakistan has been less than forthcoming with intelligence as to the whereabouts of those that seek to destroy us taking refuge within Pakistani borders. However, the recent spat of gunfire helps solidify the unwillingness of the Pakistani government to support us in the war on terror.

President Bush made it very obvious to the entire world on more than one occasion, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." As fractured as the Pakistani government may or may not be, it is absolutely clear those with control of the military forces in the mountainous regions have sided with the terrorists.

The US government is done pussy-footing around waiting for Pakistani forces to actually 'help' us root out the terrorists where they hide. US Forces know where to look and the risk associated with hunting down the terrorists where they hide is no longer great enough to warrant playing the waiting game.

I find it rather peculiar that the Pakistani military has proven more than capable of discovering and engaging the greatest fighting force in the world, yet they have proven totally incapable of rooting out a few nasty terrorists. Don't you?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reap what you sew (Another fine product of public school I'm sure)

I finally had the chance to catch up on the Sarah Palin e-mail fiasco. If you'd like a synopsis from the horses mouth, click here for a piece from Michelle Malkin.

First, I'd like to thank the perp for setting the record straight. Secondly, I hope they give him a nice cozy mattress in an 8'x10' concrete box for aspiring white collar criminals. Coming forward will make it much easier for investigators to apprehend, although, I've no doubt the Secret Service will be most proficient in their daily tasks as they protect and serve. Welcome to the bigs 'rubico'. Your life will change forever from this day forward. I trust it was all worth it.

Please tell me how typical liberals can be so devoid of common sense? The poor saps can't even act properly in their efforts at criminality. Unfortunately, should the unthinkable actually happen and Sen. Obama is elected, I'm sure he'll find it in himself to grant this schmuck a pardon.

Have we nurtured an entire generation that can't tell the simple difference between right and wrong or good and evil and complete disrespect for the law? Where have parents gone wrong? How do these children grow up with such a sense of self-righteousness that no silly federal law is going to stop them from finding that skeleton in Gov. Palin's closet?

If you dig real deep, you'll find products of public schooling. The days of 'political-correctness' have finally caught up with us as we reap exactly what we've sewn. Twelve years of sensitivity training in a controlled environment under the control of the democrats. I'm sure this poor schmuck figured if he was just open and honest about what he's done, his 'classmates' would accept his apology and ignore the fact a federal crime has been committed.

Sen. Obama, tell me please, does this schmuck represent the kind of people running your campaign?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thanks for the material Sen. Obama

I finally watched an entire Obama ad and was thrilled with the content. The ad showed some of Sen. McCain’s campaign advisors and stated how they worked as lobbyists prior to the campaign. The hook was that if the McCain campaign staff was filled with lobbyists, who would run the White House?

Would anyone believe — John McCain?

As I read between the lines of how that ad was put together, it became obvious the puppet masters managing Sen. Obama’s campaign fully expect to be running the White House should their man end up with more votes. Apparently, ‘they’ don’t believe a President runs the country, his staff does.

Thank you once again to the Obama campaign for providing the entertainment I so enjoy during election season.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sports Break - One more ring!

GO PACK GO. I would like to congratulate Mike McCarthy and the Green Bay Packers on their victory and send my sympathies to Tony Romo and the Dallas Cowboys. Hey Romo, you'll get another chance.

I'm not a fanatical Packer fan. I love the Packers and will try to watch them whereever I am. I've seen games televised around the globe for more than 20 years. I've seen several games and several players. I can say tith certainty that I have never seen anyone bring more energy or passion to the game then Brett Favre. Thank you. NOW FINISH IT AND GET THAT SECOND RING!

The Crying Game

What's with all the tears on the campaign trail? First Mitt Romney shares a 'moment' as he honors his father. Then we have Senator Hillary Clinton forcing herself to cry. Someone should have seen if she needed to pluck any eyebrows to start the flow. How much more ridiculous can this campaign become?

I may just be a midwestern hick, but even I know that anyone hoping to be the next leader of the free world shouldn't ever be seen to be weak.

For you Dems: Hillary is out. She may have wanted to portray the perfect bleeding heart liberal, but to be seen in such a weakened state makes her unelectable. I applaud there being a woman in the running. I haven't seen this much excitement surrounding a female on any ticket since Geraldine Ferraro. Obama and Edwards will fight it out. Hey, you Dem's want McCain? He sure would look silly on a Repulican ticket. You can have him.

For us Reps: Romney is toast. Never let them see you weak. Period. I'm still holding out for Fred Thompson. Time will tell.