Monday, December 17, 2007

A brief introduction...

Greetings one and all and welcome to Conservative Popcorn. Thank you for viewing my blog. I welcome your feedback and comments.

A bit about me.... I've been married to the most amazing woman in the world for the last 13 years and every day I wake up wondering what on earth I might have done to deserve her. We've also been blessed with 3 beautiful children - two girls ages 7 and 5 and a 2 year old boy that keeps us on our toes. I have a real job. I also have a very small business. I have a tremendous entrepreneurial drive, but won't consider myself a true entrepreneur until I've 'made it'. When I 'make it', I'll be sure to shout it from the mountaintops and post a line in here. In the interim, entrepreneur means nothing more to me than outrageous debt and lofty ambitions.

I have some interesting views on politics, freedom, and national security. I was raised to know and understand the difference between right and wrong as well as the difference between good and evil. I will almost always have an opinion, but try my best not to pass judgment. I am human and will make mistakes. I do reserve the right to change my mind and welcome your attempts to move me.

Welcome to Conservative Popcorn!

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